Hail Damage – Commercial Roof Insurance Claim

When hail damage assaults your commercial roof, you should seriously consider filing an insurance claim and have the damage addressed.

Do I Need to File a Claim?

commercial roof hail damage claimWhether you need to file a roof insurance claim for hail damage depends largely on the type of roof you have and the severity of the damage.

First and foremost, a qualified commercial roofer should be brought in to inspect your roof following a hailstorm and to assess the damage with an expert eye. The roofer can determine the severity of the damage and advise you regarding what needs to be done to address it.

Certain types of commercial roofs withstand hail better than others. Thus, if you have a heartier roof type, you may be able to pass through a hailstorm relatively unscathed and not need repairs or to file an insurance claim.

For instance, metal roofing will typically get dented by hail, but it’s often just cosmetic damage and won’t impair the functionality of your roof. A thermoplastic roof, on the other hand, can be quite susceptible to damage from even small hailstones if the membrane is older and has begun to deteriorate.

Finding the Right Roofer

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Hiring the right commercial roofing contractor is one of the most important steps in dealing with hail damage and insurance claims.

Unfortunately, the industry is full of roofers who are not experienced, cut corners and don’t follow correct procedures in repairing roofs. So, always remember that “cheap” isn’t what matters when hiring a roofer. An inexperienced roofing contractor who charges less than a more established roofer may save you money in the moment—but a failed roof and much bigger expenses down the road due to shoddy workmanship is often the consequence.

The bottom line: It’s best to do things right the first time and to hire a roofer who is vetted, licensed and has a good track record.

A Good Roofer can be EASY to Find!

Finding a roofer you can trust can be a stressful game of guesswork. Fortunately, the Choice Roof Contractor Group is here to bring accountability and support to the space!

Choice Roof Contractor Group is a nationwide roofing association whose endorsed members are eligible to offer a “Lifetime Service Guarantee” on work performed. If you’ve ever had to hire a roofer, you may already know that such guarantees by third parties are a rare thing. What our guarantee means is that the building owner will always have access to engage the services of another endorsed member who is familiar with the type of roofing system installed and meets all the same requirements.

Choice Roof Contractor Group also has a working relationship with Voss Law Firm, which specializes in insurance cases. If your roofing needs include assistance with a roof insurance claim, our group and Voss Law Firm can work together to help you.

To located a verified Choice Roof Contractor Group member in your area, simply call us at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page. We will connect you with a verified roofer and make sure your roofing needs are met!

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures, and Conditions found at www.choiceroofgroup.com/disclaimer.

Author: Joel H. Roy

I am a father of 5 and CEO of a successful roofing company here in our place. Most of our clients are residential, condo and commercial developers. https://joelhroy.wordpress.com/

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