Making the Next Evolutionary Step for Our Group and the Commercial Roofing Industry

We have big news to share today and once again thank all those who have been part of making our nationwide support network such a huge success over the years.

At the 2016 National Convention in Branson, we introduced a number of key changes that raised the standards for ourselves and the industry at large. Everyone involved in fine-tuning the new structure was amazed at how much better things became and were equally impressed by how well accepted it was for a smooth transition. We have such an amazing group of contractors who really care about each other and where we’re headed as a nationwide team.

Today, we take another step further to better focus on what has been most beneficial to the network, while also adding new benefits by introducing a totally new brand: Top Roof Contractors.

On the first of April, we’ll finally be ready to launch everything after having many conversations with both new and original members to ensure maximum benefit across the board. Special thanks to Sam, Jonathan, Will, Andy, Adib, and John!

The first change to notice is that the terms “Endorsed” and “Supported” are going to be retired. Instead, we have “Leader” and “Member.” It’s a simple change where Endorsed Members will be called Leaders, and Supported Contractors will be called Members; but it’s important because of what these new terms mean.

As part of the changes, contractors in the group will need to sign new agreements. The old agreements will terminate in 30 days in order to fully implement all changes and improvements group-wide.

Benefits from *Choice Roof Contractors*      

  • Both Members and Leaders:
    • Badges that display your affiliation with the group (Leader or Member depending on level of association)
    • Group support and networking with fellow members and leaders
    • Private access to the Facebook group
    • Presentations, photos, flyers and other marketing material
    • In-depth knowledge and training
    • Affiliation with our nationwide reputation
    • Sales & marketing guidance
  • Leaders only:
    • Contractor leads to build your Conklin business (i.e. residual, scalable income from roofs installed by those being supported – rewarding contractors for the strong businesses they help create)
    • Ability to start conversations with those who have requested information on the group in the past
    • No additional cost to be part of Top Roof Contractors if 3-day training completed (otherwise there is a separate membership fee)
    • Personalized webpage to help with explaining what our group is all about to other contractors (see example:
    • Personalized marketing material for growing your Conklin business shipped free as often as needed

Of course, there are many more than we can list, but these are the main benefits.

Benefits from *Top Roof Contractors*

  • Marketing discounts on 15 different items from Top Roof Marketing (many will save hundreds of dollars a year)
  • Added credibility for higher closing rates with the Top Roof Contractors badge (logo files and window decal provided free)
  • Roofing estimate leads at steeply discounted prices
  • Staff will help with the estimate leads by calling them first and being involved in the conversation
  • Sell roofing opportunities to each other (we want to make sure you can profit from opportunities you aren’t able to pursue yourself)
  • Sell products/equipment/services to fellow Top Roof Contractors
  • Personalized flyer explaining how your company meets or exceeds membership qualifications of Top Roof Contractors
  • Connections to insurance specialists who understand commercial roofing, as well as others who are coming on board

What’s New

Cost reduction

  • The membership fees for Leaders (previously known as Endorsed Members) has been reduced by more than half!  This is made possible by transferring the building owner requests for estimates to Top Roof Contractors.

What’s being transferred to Top Roof Contractors

  • Commercial roofing estimate requests have caused misunderstandings for contractors who are not yet part of the group. We have never been a lead generation service, but understand why our website can give this impression. When a building owner requests an estimate in the future, it will now be routed through Top Roof Contractors.

Contractor Sponsorship Opportunities for Everyone

  • The only requirement to be an eligible Leader in Choice Roof Contractor Group is to create a Conklin account with an existing group member. Even if you have limited roofing experience (or none at all), the contractors you bring in will have full support from others who can step in with their knowledge.

New Tools

  • Andrew and Max are working on an app for Choice Roof Contractors, Jonathan and Chris are working on a marketplace for Top Roof Contractors, and many new things will be coming down the line as well.

In summary, Choice Roof Contractor Group will mainly focus on building everyone’s Conklin business, while Top Roof Contractors will take on other aspects to reduce confusion of our group’s core focus and introduce new benefits that are now possible by having a 2nd independent brand.

What’s the Same

  • No fee for those who simply want great support (they only need to create a Conklin account with an existing group member to benefit from the amazing platform built over the last 5+ years:
  • We’re still requiring 3 commercial roofing references and insurance verification to be eligible for leads (but there is an added screening process to add further respect for all Top Roof Contractors).
  • Choice Roof Contractor Group Members (previously known as supported contractors) will still get assistance from the entire group, private access to the Facebook group, presentations and photos, in-depth knowledge and training, affiliation with our nationwide reputation, approval to use a member version of our logo, and sales & marketing guidance.
  • Choice Roof Contractor Group Leaders (previously known as Endorsed Members) will still get personalized flyer, personalized business cards for sponsoring, contractor leads, and personal page on the website; plus all the benefits listed above that Members enjoy.

What’s going away

  • We have contemplated retiring the Lifetime Service Guarantee for quite sometime because it has hardly been used by endorsed members, plus many building owners seem to have a hard time understanding how it’s different from a warranty and none of us ever want a building owner to feel misled when working with our group. If you were issued a lifetime service guarantee paper, please email with a scanned copy and the program will be honored in original form.

We look forward to integrating all the new benefits on April 1st, and are very excited to see all the great things to come! 

Commercial Roof Insurance Claim

When a severe storm or other disastrous event hits your area, your building can bear the brunt. Roofs, in particular, are prone to damage. Whether the catastrophe is a hailstorm, a tornado, an earthquake or something else, it is crucial to have your roof promptly inspected by a professional roofer to assess whether any damage has been done. If problems are discovered, filing a commercial roof insurance claim will be the next step.

Professional Guidance

commercial roof guidanceInsurance claims of any kind can be complicated. When the claim relates to a damaged roof, an experienced roofing contractor can help you navigate the process.

While, in general, insurance companies will usually deal fairly when an insurance claim is made, there are always exceptions—a couple examples are when an adjuster doesn’t deal reasonably, or the payout is less than the cost of fixing the roof and the building owner is left to make up the difference. A roofing professional with claims experience can help you avoid such situations and get the fair insurance settlement you deserve.

Be Prepared Ahead of Time

roof insurance documentationIn addition to assisting with the actual claim and repairing your roof once the claim goes through, a good roofer can help you be prepared in advance. One of the most common reasons roof insurance claims are denied is for “preexisting damage.” If the insurance company believes your roof damage was not caused by the storm or other disastrous event but was, in fact, already there before the incident occurred, you may not get the insurance payout you need to fix your roof.

If, however, you have been working with a reputable roofing company and having your roof regularly inspected and maintained, you will be in much better shape when the time comes to file an insurance claim. When a roofer performs an inspection, thorough documentation is typically part of the process, and this documentation can help conclusively show that your roof damage was not preexisting.

For instance, if your roof was inspected in May and the roofer documented its condition, then in July a severe storm damages your roof, that documentation previously completed by the roofer will show the damage was not there during your last inspection. This greatly increases the likelihood that your claim will be approved.

Getting the Help You Need

insurance helpFor everything from inspections and ongoing maintenance to insurance claims help, it is crucial to have a reliable and knowledgeable roofer who will be there for the long haul. Too many horror stories exist among building owners regarding roofers who did shoddy work and then disappeared into the night, leaving the building owner to deal with the aftermath. But those who hire a roofer from among the Choice Roof Contractor Group benefit from group-wide accountability.

We’re a nationwide association comprised of highly rated roofers throughout the United States. Our members must meet stringent requirements to become part of the Choice Roof Contractor Group, including having a strong customer service record, possessing proper insurance, and more.

Choice Roof Contractor Group also has a great relationship with Voss Law Firm, which is a highly trusted firm specializing in insurance cases. When you need assistance with a roof insurance claim, one of our contractor members and the Voss Law Firm will work collaboratively to help you.

Professional Help is Just a Call or Click Away!

With Choice Roof Contractor Group, finding a commercial roofer is easy! To find a verified Choice Roof Contractor in your area, simply call our association at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page.

The First Five Years

What started five years ago as an ambitious idea by Samuel Hostetler and Jonathan Keim is now a national success.  Both men knew there was a piece missing in the commercial roofing marketspace.  There had to be a way for commercial roofing business owners to be properly incentivized to help others, while providing better service for their own clientele and growing their businesses.  And with that, the idea of Choice Roof Contractor Group was born, founded, and took off!

The group is now well known for uniquely offering support to contractors who wish to expand their commercial business and providing new valuable benefits to building owners.  By delivering a better service, encouraging higher standards, and providing leadership, guidance, and training opportunities, Choice Roof Contractor Group has become a recognized name in the commercial roofing industry.  Members of the group have noticed the increasing credibility on the jobs they’re bidding, and business owners have enjoyed the peace of mind that the “Lifetime Service Guarantee” and group-wide accountability bring.

The last five years have been full of new experiences and a pathway to success for members of the group!  Below, you’ll find a recap of the past five years.  If you’re interested in joining our nationwide network or discussing new collaboration opportunities, give us a call at 800-670-5583.

2013-2018: The Beginning of Choice Roof Contractor Group

The First Successful Contractors Still Thrive Today

In the fall of 2013, Choice Roof Contractor Group was formed. Soon after, the first few contractors joined.  Brenneman Roofing, Five Star Roofing, and Troyer Roofing.  Their stories are all similar and have inspired many struggling contractors throughout the country who wish to break into the commercial field. 

Robert Brenneman, owner of Brenneman Roofing, had been working as a full-time fire fighter with a side business of being a handyman.  He worked day in and day out on time-consuming jobs that did not provide for his family the way he hoped they would. 

Samuel Hostetler, owner of Five Star Roofing and a co-founder of the group, was shingling roofs in freezing weather just a few years before starting the group, knowing there was more, but unsure he’d be able to invest.  After all, he had a very large family to provide for. 

Like the others, Simon Troyer of Troyer Roofing had always worked on various small construction opportunities but was searching for a change.  He began to learn the construction trade, remodeling, roofing, and other carpentry aspects, but after working for others for five years, he knew it was time to make a change and do something of his own.

When each member joined Conklin and the Choice Roof Contractor Group, they began to see their future change.  They were impressed with the trainings and felt that they could better provide with this new business opportunity.  And over time, they did just that.  All three of these contractors took the time and effort needed to utilize the tools in front of them.  And because of that, they are successful in their local regions, and continue to see the benefits of being endorsed members of the Choice Roof Contractor Group.

To hear, read and watch dozens of other real-life stories, visit our What Contractors Are Saying page.


At the beginning, the idea of the Choice Roof Contractor Group was one of faith. Founding members were on board for something new that could solve the pressing challenges of the commercial roofing industry. And with that came many wins!

The initial group of endorsed members received 100 leads in the first year and we began to see leads continue to increase in size. 

We partnered with Top Roof Marketing to maximize visibility of what we had to offer the industry while ensuring new members had a trusted source for generating more leads.

They also were able to witness some of our first meetings, gained numerous sponsorship/mentorship opportunities over the years, and continually receive special recognition for helping the group concept become a reality.


After the first year was fully under our belt, we discovered what worked best and kept feeding that model. For example, our lead generation service provided over 200 roofing leads in 2015, double what it had the prior year! We also saw a significant jump in the number of leads that were over 100,000 square feet.

The first workshops were also rolled out this year which together had more than 60 in attendance!  The first workshop had over 35 attendees traveling from 9 states.  The second workshop had almost 30 contractors from 8 states!  They all came together to discuss roofing techniques, marketing and sales strategies, and more, really embracing the model that Choice Roof Contractor Group wanted to provide – contractors helping contractors.

Members of the group continued to see rapid growth in their individual businesses, the success stories kept coming in, and new ideas from others joining up took us to the next level.  

To see more details of this year, visit 2015: Year in Review.


The year of 2016 was by far the best on the books at that time.  The continued effort to provide lead generation through the group website enabled endorsed members to share 302 roofing leads with each other! Another 50% of growth!

We also saw the largest attendance ever from our group at the Conklin National Convention, rapid growth in the size of our group across the country, and one of the co-founders was given the higher title from our preferred manufacturer!

Additionally, like the year prior, the group members came together for another two contractor-led events.  Both workshops completely sold out!

A missing piece to the puzzle in prior years was not engaging in tradeshows.  While the previous marketing strategy was thorough, adding four trade show appearances in 2016 allowed us an opportunity to increase our contractor network by meeting those who were hearing about us online!

To see more details of this year, visit Strong 2016 Success Builds Powerful Momentum for 2017.


Continuing the upward trend, our endorsed members yet again saw an increase in the number of lead opportunities generated.  This year a whopping 427 roofing leads came in! Other highlights include reaching 197 blogs, 263 comments, and 1000+ subscribers to our weekly newsletter.

We also added additional success stories from our contractors, arriving at 20 different examples brought to life via videos, recorded calls, and articles. Notably, Sam Hostetler was given the opportunity to share his personal story to nearly 1,000 people in Branson, Missouri.

The national workshops in 2017 were held in Cleveland, Ohio and Tyler, Texas, and the strong attendance numbers once again proved that we were quickly becoming a leading educator in the commercial roofing industry.  The comprehensive roofing event gave contractors of all experience levels hands-on training, sales and marketing strategies proven to work in the field, and an open panel to discuss tips and how to overcome common obstacles!

We were even more excited to see various members of the group rise up and commit to hosting their own local hands-on events on the first Saturday of each month. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Texas roofers were now able to learn directly from successful commercial owners and train their crews with life-like mockups without having to leave their state.

A nationwide coatings magazine, CoatingsPro, began to recognize the group, and in October 2017 Jonathan Keim provided our first contribution to their magazine which then became the top cover story! Since then, we’ve been given additional opportunities to submit content.

To see more details of this year, visit Exciting Achievements of 2017.


The Choice Roof Contractor Group saw an impressive year in lead generation with another record number of roofing leads achieved!

One of the largest roof leads yet came in – touting an impressive 430,000 square feet!

The group welcomed its first female contractor to the members, hoping to add more in years to come.

And the brand recognition continued, being contacted by over 450 other contractors throughout the nation. Through a new marketing program, we were able to gain placement of our ads on some of the most prominent websites and mobile apps.

To see more details of this year, visit The Excitement Continues – 2018 in Review.

On to the Next Five!

The formula of contractors helping other contractors to give better service to business owners is not common.  However, because we have the right group of people with genuine team spirit for this shared brand, we have been able to share some incredible highlights:

  • 366,782 pageviews from more than 120,000 visitors to the site
  • 4,000+ project photos available to share with contractors in the group
  • 1,655 followers on various social media channels
  • 1,646 commercial roofing leads were generated
  • 1,263 subscribers to our weekly newsletter
  • 209 blogs that continually pull in traffic and provide open educational material
  • 68 videos on YouTube that feature various testimonials, tips from the field, and more
  • 65 commercial roofing companies that have joined
  • 21 timeless recorded calls with first-hand contractor knowledge

As our first five years come to a close, we continue to focus our efforts on what will help our contractors and the building owners they serve the most.  We will continue to improve our brand recognition, help our contractors close more sales, and welcome new contractors who share our values with open arms.

If you are interested in learning more, or joining the group, reach out to us at 800-670-5583 or via the contact page.

The Excitement Continues – 2018 in Review

Over the last five years, the Choice Roof Contractor Group has continued to be a leader in helping commercial roofing contractors grow their operations.  This past year has been no different. Throughout 2018, we continued to put the effort in to heighten brand recognition, increase contractor relationships, and promote superior training options which kept us on the upward trend of growth.

Highlights from 2018

428 Leads for Members

One of the main reasons we stand out is because our many online marketing initiatives.  Our endorsed members this year were able to benefit from our strategic marketing programs by receiving a record number of roofing leads!  Our focus will not waiver for 2019 as we will continue to focus efforts on the most effective marketing strategies!

430,000 Square Feet

No, that’s not the amount of roofing our contractors installed this year, it’s the largest roof lead of the year!  That’s right, 4,300 squares for just one lead!  The ongoing effort by Top Roof Marketing continues to rank us on the first page of Google for hundreds of keywords, sometimes even the manufacturers themselves!  These big fish just keep coming! 

456 Contractors Interested in the Group

Our brand continues to be quite popular with contractors throughout the nation.  With quality resources like our eBook geared towards educating contractors who are interested in switching to commercial roofing, and the group connections with experienced contractors willing to help others, it’s no wonder we’ve had so many contractors reach out!  And, in case you were wondering, this number is up almost 50% from the prior year! 

The Added Credibility Makes a Big Impact

With their endorsement through Choice Roof Contractor Group, John Miller and his team at A-1 Roofing Systems were able to gain the trust needed from a large company that they have been trying to get an appointment with for a long time.  The 40,000 square foot roof lead was just one more perk to their endorsed membership this year!

First Female Contractor Joins Up

We are excited to announce that this year we welcomed our first female roofing contractor to our ranks!  Her initiative and drive makes her a perfect addition to our group.  We appreciate Samantha Near joining the group, and hope that it will inspire other trail blazing women to join what is currently considered a male dominated industry.

Partnership with Dunn & Bradstreet

In order to continue to offer our contractors the best resources, we have partnered with Dunn & Bradstreet.  This new partnership allows us to offer our contractors quality contacts for more than 75% off the retail costs!  These resources allow our members to effectivley reach out to business owners in their area for a fraction of the cost they could get elsewhere.  Direct mail, email campaigns, and cold calling just got even easier for our group!

Continued Relationship with Coatings Magazine

CoatingsPro Magazine continues to enjoy the relationship and expertise provided by the Choice Roof Contractor Group.  As an industry leader sourcing quality content, they trust our group to provide reliable information about the roofing industry.  A new article will be featured in their upcoming January edition about the past, present, and future of the coatings industry. 

If you are interested in learning more about the group, or about becoming an endorsed member, call us at 800-670-5583 or reach out to us on the contact page.  We’d be excited to tell you how to join the ranks of the independent contractors that make up our group!

P.S. If you’re interested in seeing the past five years at a glance, check out our Five-Year Recap blog!

Orlando Roofers Near Me

As your roofers in Orlando, we understand that there are many reasons to be in contact with a good roofing company. Many times we are hit with unexpected storms, causing an emergency roof repair. Over the Top Roofers separates itself from the rest. Our journey to become one of Central Florida’s most accomplished roofing companies began over 15 years ago with our start in multi-family renovations. Before long, we began adding to our experience, branching out into all phases of construction renovation. As a growing Central Florida Roofing Contractor, residential and commercial re-roofing projects were not far behind, with each job contributing to Over The Top Roofer’s reputation as a dependable resource for quality workmanship. Today, the company continues to grow, adding to its reputation on every job, with a commitment to superior customer service and a list of satisfied clients that gets longer with each passing day. Here are 4 reasons why we think you should contact us to help your family have a safe roof over their head.
Roofers in Orlando Warranty Offers
We offer GAF System Plus Warranty, which means that you get full protection and will not to have to cover any costs for replacement or repair for 50 years. We also provide CertainTeed warranty for 50 years.
Emergency Tarp Services Available from Roofers in Orlando
We offer emergency tarp services on short notice as a short-term temporary fix. This is an advantage to you because it gives you peace of mind and helps keep your roof from acquiring further damage.
Leaks and Repairs – One-Year Leak Free Guarantee!
We always provide a free written estimate so you can find out what’s involved in your repair and what it will cost, there are no hidden fees, we will communicate every important aspect to you. When repairing leaks and other damages we provide a One-Year Leak Free Guarantee, to give you peace of mind for your home.
Re-roofs – Seven-year Leak Free Guarantee!
We strive to make the process for you as smooth as possible and what is better than a seven-year leak free guarantee? We want to make sure that you are taken care of.

Hail Damage – Commercial Roof Insurance Claim

When hail damage assaults your commercial roof, you should seriously consider filing an insurance claim and have the damage addressed.

Do I Need to File a Claim?

commercial roof hail damage claimWhether you need to file a roof insurance claim for hail damage depends largely on the type of roof you have and the severity of the damage.

First and foremost, a qualified commercial roofer should be brought in to inspect your roof following a hailstorm and to assess the damage with an expert eye. The roofer can determine the severity of the damage and advise you regarding what needs to be done to address it.

Certain types of commercial roofs withstand hail better than others. Thus, if you have a heartier roof type, you may be able to pass through a hailstorm relatively unscathed and not need repairs or to file an insurance claim.

For instance, metal roofing will typically get dented by hail, but it’s often just cosmetic damage and won’t impair the functionality of your roof. A thermoplastic roof, on the other hand, can be quite susceptible to damage from even small hailstones if the membrane is older and has begun to deteriorate.

Finding the Right Roofer

Need a Local Expert?

Our group works together to provide:

  • Larger Base of Knowledge
  • Group-Wide Accountability
  • Set Standards for Service
  • More Peace of Mind
Find local pro

Hiring the right commercial roofing contractor is one of the most important steps in dealing with hail damage and insurance claims.

Unfortunately, the industry is full of roofers who are not experienced, cut corners and don’t follow correct procedures in repairing roofs. So, always remember that “cheap” isn’t what matters when hiring a roofer. An inexperienced roofing contractor who charges less than a more established roofer may save you money in the moment—but a failed roof and much bigger expenses down the road due to shoddy workmanship is often the consequence.

The bottom line: It’s best to do things right the first time and to hire a roofer who is vetted, licensed and has a good track record.

A Good Roofer can be EASY to Find!

Finding a roofer you can trust can be a stressful game of guesswork. Fortunately, the Choice Roof Contractor Group is here to bring accountability and support to the space!

Choice Roof Contractor Group is a nationwide roofing association whose endorsed members are eligible to offer a “Lifetime Service Guarantee” on work performed. If you’ve ever had to hire a roofer, you may already know that such guarantees by third parties are a rare thing. What our guarantee means is that the building owner will always have access to engage the services of another endorsed member who is familiar with the type of roofing system installed and meets all the same requirements.

Choice Roof Contractor Group also has a working relationship with Voss Law Firm, which specializes in insurance cases. If your roofing needs include assistance with a roof insurance claim, our group and Voss Law Firm can work together to help you.

To located a verified Choice Roof Contractor Group member in your area, simply call us at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page. We will connect you with a verified roofer and make sure your roofing needs are met!

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures, and Conditions found at

Commercial Roof Damage

Some things are inevitable when you own a commercial building. One of them is commercial roof damage.

It’s pretty simple: If you have a roof, eventually you will need the services of a roofer. When that time comes, make sure the roofer you hire meets certain criteria. Failure to hire a reliable, reputable roofer will almost always end in disaster.

Qualities of a Good Roofer

commercial roof damageWhen it comes to your commercial roof, who you hire matters. A lot.

An inexperienced roofer peddling cheap prices for work performed should be an instant red flag to you. Many a building owner has lived to rue the day they hired the cheapest roofer available. If someone quotes you a significantly cheaper price than the competition, the likely reason is inexperience (or a long history of bad jobs that isn’t mentioned)—regardless, it almost always leads to improper workmanship.

When you’re looking to hire a roofing company, here are some of the qualifications you should always check for:

  • Current insurance
  • Positive references
  • Professionally trained technicians
  • Warranty options & guaranteed work
  • Certification from the roofing manufacturer whose products they use
  • Membership in & endorsement from a reputable industry association

If a roofer doesn’t meet most or all of these criteria, you definitely need to keep shopping.

How to Hire the Right Roofer

Need a Local Expert?

Our group works together to provide:

  • Larger Base of Knowledge
  • Group-Wide Accountability
  • Set Standards for Service
  • More Peace of Mind
Find local pro

Fortunately, there is an easy way to find a reputable, reliable roofer: through the Choice Roof Contractor Group.

The Choice Roof Contractor Group is a nationwide association of proven, qualified roofers who meet all of the above criteria and more. We have members throughout the United States who offer:

  • Verified track records
  • Proper insurance
  • Reputable endorsements
  • Professionally training
  • Expert workmanship
  • Non-prorated warranty options
  • And more!

Our members are also among the only roofers in the nation to offer a “Lifetime Service Guarantee.” If a Choice Roof Contractor Group member performs guaranteed work on your roof, you can rest easy knowing that a knowledgeable roofer will allows be available. This means if for any reason the original contractor who worked on your roof is not available, we promise another group member meeting the same criteria will offer their service. This is an invaluable—and rare—guarantee in the roofing industry, and it provides immense peace of mind to you, the client, knowing you will never be left in the lurch without a desirable contractor to hire.

To find a Choice Roof Contractor Group member in your area, give us a call at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page on our website.

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures, and Conditions found at

Emergency Commercial Roofer

No matter where you’re located in the United States, if you own a commercial building you may eventually need the services of an emergency commercial roofer.

Disaster can strike in the blink of an eye. Whether a severe storm, an earthquake or some other incident that causes damage to your roof, choosing the right professional to perform the needed repairs is crucial for a variety of reasons.

Experience is Invaluable

emergency commercial rooferOne of the biggest mistakes a building owner can make is hiring the “cheapest” roofing contractor to repair roof damage. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for, and fly-by-night roofers or inexperienced contractors just starting out may quote you a low price and deliver shoddy work.

Roofing is not an area where you want to bargain shop. Cheap repairs and shortcut work will only lead to bigger problems and more expensive repairs down the road (and possibly even the need for total roof replacement). Get the work done right the first time by hiring a knowledgeable contractor who has good ratings with local customers in your area, extensive experience and been in business a while.

Warranty & Insurance Matters

commercial roof insuranceIf your commercial roof is covered under a warranty, bear in mind that you need to choose a roofing contractor who meets the standards set forth by the manufacturer of the product on your roof. Failure to do so can lead to the invalidation of your warranty.

Also, when roof damage is sustained due to an emergency-type situation, like a severe storm, the repairs will typically become an insurance matter. A good roofing company will often offer insurance-related help and will deal with the insurance company on your behalf. This is a very valuable service, so look for a roofer who has expertise dealing with insurance companies and offers that type of assistance.

Reliability is the Top Priority

reliable roofing contractorChoosing a roofer who doesn’t have a solid reputation, who hasn’t worked in your area long or who is just “traveling through” can bring disaster. Opt for a roofing company that has a solid business background and is likely to be around to back up the work they perform if any issues should arise down the road.

There is a common scam in the roofing industry that involves “storm chasers.” Storm chasers saturate an area where there has been a natural disaster, like a hurricane, and where there is more emergency repair work than local roofers can handle. Most of these storm chasers are in the market with one goal in mind: Making a quick buck at your expense.

Do your due diligence when hiring a roofer and make sure you choose a reputable one who will perform the work properly and will be around for the long haul after the work is done.

A Good Roofer is Easy to Find!

Need a Local Expert?

Our group works together to provide:

  • Larger Base of Knowledge
  • Group-Wide Accountability
  • Set Standards for Service
  • More Peace of Mind
Find local pro

When you work with the Choice Roof Contractor Group, you gain access to a lot more than just a service provider!

We’re a reputable, nationwide group of contractors focused on improving service by working together, sharing knowledge and keeping each other accountable. In order to belong to Choice Roof Contractor Group as an endorsed member, contractors must have verifiable good references, be fully insured, and be sponsored by someone affiliated with the group.

Our members are among the only roofers in the United States to offer a “Lifetime Service Guarantee” on work performed. Here is what that means: If a member performs work on your roof, our organization guarantees another Choice Roof Contractor Group member meeting the same criteria will always be available to offer their services to you to address the problems. This guarantee of service addresses the common issue of being unable to find a well-matched contractor when future service is needed.

To find a verified Choice Roof Contractor Group member in your area, give us a call today at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page of the CRCG website.

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures and Conditions found at

Emergency Commercial Roof Repair

commercial roof repair wind damageLife is full of unexpected happenings that can leave behind disasters. When Mother Nature turns cruel, for instance, business facilities and other commercial properties often bear the brunt, and business owners can be left scrambling to repair damaged property and recover from the catastrophe.

When disaster strikes your building and you find yourself in need of emergency commercial roof repair, do you know where to turn?

Beware of ‘Storm Chasers’

When emergencies arise, building owners can feel harried and hurried to find someone to repair their roof damage as quickly as possible. This state of stress and urgency can make them vulnerable to the ploys of roof scammers.

An unfortunate ongoing trend in the roofing industry has caused no end of trouble for innocent business owners. It’s a scam associated with “storm chasing,” and it involves con artists who prey on the victims of natural disasters.

This is how a common storm chasing scam works:
storm chasing emergency repair

  • “Storm chasers” travel to an area that has been hit hard by a large storm or other catastrophic event resulting in more roof damage calls than the local roofing companies can handle.
  • The storm chasers post help wanted ads promising applicants a six-figure income in a short time period. From responses to the ad, a “storm chaser” crew is formed.
  • The head storm chasers get in touch with a legitimate local roofing company, offering extra workers to help with the overabundance of storm damage repair work. In exchange, the storm chasers are authorized to use the local company’s name and warranty, and the local company gets a big payout from profit sharing.
  • The storm chasers saturate the area, taking on hundreds of roofing jobs using the local company’s name. Clients are quick to hire them, as they recognize the name of the “local” business.
  • Big insurance payouts are collected for the storm damage roof repairs and replacements performed, and the storm chasers and their host company pocket a tidy sum.
  • The storm chasers leave the area (money in hand). Eventually, the shoddy roofing work they’ve performed begins to fail—but, by that time, they are long gone.
  • Typically, the local host company can’t honor all of the warrantee claims that begin flooding in for the improperly performed roofing work; the company either goes out of business or continues operating but with an irreparably damaged reputation.

Whether you fall victim to a scam like this or find yourself on the losing end of a bad roofing job in some other way, the stress, costs and damage to your building can become insurmountable after an irresponsible or inexperienced roofer has crossed your path.

Finding a Reliable Roofer

Need a Local Expert?

Our group works together to provide:

  • Larger Base of Knowledge
  • Group-Wide Accountability
  • Set Standards for Service
  • More Peace of Mind
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There is good news for commercial building owners, however, and it comes in the form of the Choice Roof Contractor Group. When your building is damaged by a storm or other event and you need emergency services, this elite association of roofing professionals work together to provide the skilled labor needed while keeping each other accountable.

To become an endorsed member, a roofing professional must first be sponsored by an existing group member and then must meet strict criteria, including possessing full licensure & insurance, verified track record via reference checking, and more.

Group membership carries many benefits for that trickle down to enhance the service customers receive, such as group-wide accountability, shared expertise and the ability to offer a “Lifetime Service Guarantee” for work performed.

In the Wake of a Storm, We’ll Be Here

From insurance claims help to top-notch roof repairs and replacement, the members of the Choice Roof Contractor Group are here to help you in the aftermath of a storm.

To find a member in your area, simply call us at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page of our website.

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures and Conditions found at

Hail Damage – Commercial Roof

The impact of hail damage on a commercial roof can be disastrous. While hail damage can vary in severity depending on the type of roof membrane you have, any damage should be assessed and attended to promptly by a professional roofer.

How Commercial Roof Types Stand Up to Hail

Each type of commercial roof has its strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to withstanding hailstones, some commercial roof types are more prone to sustaining damage than others, succumbing to hailstones as small as a half-inch in diameter or even smaller. Other types of commercial roofs have a more robust resistance to hail damage.

Here is a breakdown:

    commercial roof damage

  • BUR: Built-up roofing (BUR) that features gravel surfacing to protect the roof membrane is very hearty in standing up to hail. BUR systems installed in smooth-surfaced configurations are more susceptible to hail damage.
  • Metal: Metal roofing commonly becomes dented when pelted with hail, but the damage is typically cosmetic. However, hailstones can impair a metal roof’s water-tightness if the roof panel finish is chipped or cracked by the hail, which can then lead to the development of rust.
  • EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) roofing, also known as rubber roofing, is flexible and usually stands up well to hail up to 2.5 inches in diameter. If an EPDM roof does sustain hail-related damage, it usually manifests as surface cracking. EPDM roofs are most susceptible to hail-caused fracturing at the roof perimeter or in areas where equipment has been installed. Additionally, if the roof substrate isn’t solid, hail can puncture the membrane.
  • Modified Bitumen: Modified bitumen roofs are generally able to withstand even very large hail. Granule-surfaced BUR is the heartiest type of modified bitumen roofing, but the underlying reinforcement can sustain fracturing from hail, and hail can also displace the granules. The most vulnerable parts of a modified bitumen roof are unsupported areas where there is ridging or blistering.
  • Thermoplastic: Thermoplastic roof membranes, like PVC and TPO, can hold up against hail that is approximately 1 ¾ inches or smaller, but fracturing and other kinds of damage can occur from even very small hailstones if the membrane is old and has deteriorated.

Finding Expert Help in Your Area

Need a Local Expert?

Our group works together to provide:

  • Larger Base of Knowledge
  • Group-Wide Accountability
  • Set Standards for Service
  • More Peace of Mind
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No matter what type of commercial roof you have, when hail damage assaults it, you can find a roofer through the Choice Roof Contractor Group. One of our members would be happy to take care of all problems resulting from the hail using industry-leading products and practices with the aim of restoring your roof to full functionality.

Our nationwide roofing association is composed of reputable roofing professionals throughout the United States. Before they are given endorsement status, applying roofing contractors must meet the following criteria:

  • Possess insurance
  • Provide proof of happy references
  • Attend an advanced training
  • And more

When you decide to work with a Choice Roof Contractor Group member installing Conklin, an exclusive Lifetime Service Guaranteeis issued to your business. Our contractors are among the only roofers in the nation to offer such a guarantee, and this promise means you are guaranteed to have follow-up services offered to you by another knowledgeable roofer whenever you need them if for some reason the roofer who originally performed the work on your roof is no longer available. This ensures a contractor that meets the same requirements can be made available to handle your future needs.

To located a Choice Roof Contractor Group member in your area, give us a call at (800) 670-5583 or visit the contact page of our group’s website.

Complete terms and conditions of the Choice Roof Contractor Group’s “Lifetime Service Guarantee” are contained in the Terms of Use, Disclosures and Conditions found at